Most folks believe gold has performed terribly this year. Gold's "underperformance" is unexpected, considering it normally soars when a big pile of you-know-what hits the fan.
Most folks look at gold in terms of U.S. dollars. But that doesn't give you the whole picture. Today, let's look at gold in terms of how much gasoline, cereal, bread, heating oil, hamburger, coffee, and construction materials it will buy you. Let's look at gold versus the "CRB."
The CRB Index is like the "Dow Industrials" of commodity prices. It's the world's most widely followed gauge of raw materials like oil, copper, and corn. As you can see from today's chart, when you look at gold in terms of things you actually eat, burn as fuel, or live in, gold is soaring. We stand by our claim: The bull market in gold is alive and well...! Brian Hunt's market Notes.
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