Remember the LORD for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth and so confirms his covenant... Deut. 8:18

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Australian Commodity Stocks Play

For those with an interest on Aussie stocks, check out how much BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and MacArthur had plunged...
BHP fallen from AUD48 to AUD 24, Rio from AUD150 to AUD40, MacArthur AUD20 to AUD4.
Potential play in 1H 2009.


Lisa said...


seem like you always blog about Australia stocks

are you from there?

what stock will you recommend?

Remnant 888 said...

Australian stocks has wider range of instrument to trade, viz.. gold, silver, platinum, coal, iron ore, nickel..
essentially commodity stocks... thus earning commodity dollars..

i once read an article comparing aussie std of living vs. our local. sure inflation has risen on both sides but their wages always kept up with it: in fact surpasses inflation.

so aussie offers better investment tool and better std. of living. short term or long term, we cannot afford to ignore these facts any longer.

nope, i'm still in this land. hopefully can make millions in global investment/trading and have second/third home in couple of places.. hehe

not the time to invest yet as stocks now offer limited potential reward/profit. volatile with a downtrend...

if u have time, which i think u don't, u could do some trading. but it's risky.
sectors like telecommunication TM, utilities YTL-Power, Tanjong, consumer goods PPB worth looking at.

wait for all these "noises" and "dust" to settle. we'll see a vivid financial picture emerging.
hold on yr money just a little longer.....

set aside a "forced" saving every month, call it what u like, invest ac, ted ac.. rich gal ac.. then wait for my call, to invest.