Remember the LORD for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth and so confirms his covenant... Deut. 8:18

Monday, September 10, 2012

Maybank. Johotin, Luxchem. Tomypak. Latexx

Some of the shares counters worth accumulating:

Maybank (nta 466, QQ 15.5/ 17.2/ 17.6/ 18.6sen ) Qeps improved slightly.
Announces Dv 32 sen going e. 20th Sept. Annual dv (32+36) / 915 = 7.4 % dv yield ..!

JohoTin (nta 157, QQ 3/ 0.3/ 10.2/ 5.2/ 7.5 sen) Qeps up.
Proposed rights issue with warrants

LuxChem (nta 100, QQ 4.6/ 4.3/ 3.9/ 4.9/ 4.4sen ) Qeps flat.
Annual Dv 9c/ price 126 = 7.1 % dv yield

TomyPak (nta 088, QQ 2.5/ 3.1/ 2.1/ 3.2 sen)
Annual dv 6.5c / price 100 = 6.5 % dv yield

Latexx (nta 123, QQ 7.9/ 5.2/ 0.4/ 3.7 sen)
Glovemaker with the lowest PE


Unknown said...

Nice watch. I got some Johotin too :)

Would like to update my blog



Remnant 888 said...

Hi Edwin
Glad you did made some gain..

Tell me when you have completely updated to new blog...