Remember the LORD for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth and so confirms his covenant... Deut. 8:18

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dividend stocks. TM. B Toto. Maxis. DiGi

TM has finally announced the date for the capital repayment of 29 sen in additional to the dividend going ex. on 24th May. I missed TM at 3.86 to 4.00 range due to my busy schedule so I guess I'll have to accumulate TM at the current price of RM4.10
I still think it's not too pricey to accumulate at this level considering TM will pay out 29 sen + 13 sen + 13 sen (total of 55 sen) in 2011. Annual dv yield = 26 sen / (410 - 29) = 6.8 %

Compare this, if you will with gaming counter B. Toto at price RM4.14 (dv 8 + 8 + 4 + 6 = 26 sen) with annual dv yield of 6.3 % and you get the drift.

Another telco Maxis (dv 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 special = 40 sen) is also quite attractive at current price RM5.35
Typical dv yield = 32 sen / 535 = 6 %
Telco Digi has paid enormous annual dv of 198 sen and 178 sen for the last two years since I bought in at RM22. At current price of RM29, typical dv 43 sen per quarter will yield 5.9 %


limko said...

technically speaking, 4.1 is the breakout point of ascending triangle formation with target of 4.4.

Remnant 888 said...

Thank you very much. I'll keep this in mind..