Remember the LORD for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth and so confirms his covenant... Deut. 8:18

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Steel-Making Co. Q eps. Fair value

Some of the steel-making companies quarterly earnings.

Lion Ind (Q eps 11.7 sen, nta RM 3.97). Fv = 11 x 4 x 10 = RM 4.68
At RM 1.75, it's very attractively priced at 38 % of fair value or annualised PER 3.8

Lion Div (Q eps 5.7 sen, nta RM 1.78) . Fv = RM 2.28, today's price RM 0.44 PER 1.9
Southern Steel (Q eps 14.2 sen, nta RM 1.80). Fv = RM 5.68, today's price RM 2.46 PER 4.5
CSC Steel (Q eps 9.9 sen, nta RM 2.09). Fv = RM 3.96, today's price at RM 1.76 PER 4.4
MaSteel (Qeps 5.4 sen, nta RM 2.14), Fv = RM 2.16, today's price RM 1.09 PER 5
Kinsteel (Q eps 4.4 sen, nta RM 0.85). Fv = RM 1.76, today's price RM 1.02 PER 5.8
Ann Joo Reso (Q eps 4.5 sen, nta RM 1.80). Fv = RM 1.80, today's price RM 2.70 PER 15

So guess which counter offers the best value..?


paperplaneinc said...

you miss out a share, CSCSTEL

bursapicks said...

pmetal seem to move faster than masteel...pls watch closely!